Tuesday, March 8, 2016

[Loot Pets] February Loot Pets Box

February's Loot Pets makes the third box that has come out! Jimmy has been loving these boxes and so have I! Each month I get a bunch of cute geeky stuff for my Puggy, who loves to run around in shirts and play with toys (he also LOVES those treats!) SO Loot Pets has been amazing for us! I think I looks forward to this box more than I do for the human crate!

And Jimmy knows this box is for him, he gets on the couch and waits for me to open it up so he can see all the new stuff he is getting! February's theme was "Dead" and has a lot of fun items in it! 

The first Item in the box is the dog collar accessory! This one is cute, it is a zombie box, and fits the theme perfectly! (all of them have gone really well with the themes.) This one is also the same as the human boxes pin.

The magazine, this has a super cute cover, it tells you what is in the box, and has photos of some of the pets who have gotten their boxes! (Hopefully they will pick a photo of Jimmy at some point!)

The toy in this months crate is a Walking Dead squeak toy with a rope on the bottom! Jimmy really likes this toy, He LOVES squeak toys and I was super excited it was Walking Dead, because everyone in the house loves that show!

This months crate came with two different types of treats, the first one are the "Zom-Bone Survival Treats" Jimmy was super interested in the treats, he stuck his head in the box and wanted them right away, He loved these treats when I gave him one and wanted more! Also the packaging for all the Loot Pet treats is always so cute!

The next treats were the "Night of the Living Chimichangas" I love the Walking Dead inspired art for the front of this one! Jimmy also loved these (he is pretty easy to please with treats) I also love that the treats are made in the USA!

The last item is the shirt, Jimmy looks so cute in this shirt, and it has to be my favorite out of the three he has gotten so far. Plus he love tacos (well anything really)  so he will definitely have fun running around in this shirt! I got Jimmy a large shirt, the neck is a little big, but the shirt fits him well!

Overall a good month for the Loot Pets! Jimmy loved all the stuff in his crate and is having a blast with it! He is super excited for next months!!

Loot Pets is $24.99 a month, you can find out about it here

And for anyone wondering what I did with the BattleStar Galactica flying disk that Jimmy ravaged from the last box I made it into a coaster! I didn't have to throw the awesomeness away! I just re-purposed it!

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